Title IX Office at Springfield College | Springfield College-十大赌博信誉的平台

Title IX Office at Springfield College

Title IX Coordinator: Erin Leeper, director of non-discrimination initiatives/Title IX administrator & 504 Coordinator; 263 Alden Street Springfield, MA 01109, (413) 748-3248

The Title IX Coordinator oversees the College’s response to sexual violence, discrimination, and harassment, ensuring that all investigations are complete in a timely, accurate, thorough, and impartial manner.

Deputy Title IX Coordinator: Sue Nowlan, dean of students; Office of Student Affairs, 263 Alden Street Springfield, MA 01109, (413) 748-3922 

The Deputy Title IX Coordinators have the primary responsibility for the management of sexual misconduct complaints involving students; the Deputy Coordinators lead the investigative processes for the resolution of matters involving gender-based discrimination, including sexual violence. The Deputy Coordinators assist in the development and review of College policy to ensure the institution is in compliance with Title IX and related laws.

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Regional and Online Campuses: Camille Elliott, associate director of student services, 263 Alden Street Springfield, MA 01109, (413) 748-3978

Deputy Title IX Coordinator: Michelle Lee Scecina, assistant athletic director, Physical Education Complex Athletic Office, 263 Alden St., Springfield, Mass., (413) 748-3334 

Deputy Title IX Coordinator: Jonathan Howell, director of Human Resources, Administration Building (second floor), 263 Alden St., Springfield, Mass. (413) 748-3195